Book Review: A Husband’s Survival Guide

A Husband’s Survival Guide
. C. Scott Litch. Outskirts Press, August 9, 2019, Trade Paperback and E-book, 106 pages.

Reviewed by Brian Johnston.

According to C. Scott Litch, there are many books for women on how to have a successful marriage and be a good wife, yet there are few books on how to be a good husband. Thus, Litch wrote his book, A Husband’s Survival Guide, to provide advice for men on how to have a successful marriage. I found the book to be both entertaining and informative.

The author wrote this 105-page book in a way that is easy to understand; the average guy can read it and learn something. Litch has been married for over 28 years. Though he's not a professional marriage counselor, he used the experiences from his marriage to provide advice to other husbands that is both simple and sound.

The book is divided into sixteen chapters, and each chapter focuses on a different topic. Some of the topics include dealing with your wife's family, helping around the house, raising children, financial issues, and managing health situations. The chapters offer detailed explanations, including how men are different from women and what men must do to keep their wives happy.

One of the most important lessons that any husband should take from this book is that both men and women have flaws and that no one is perfect. Men don’t marry perfect women, so we need to understand that, but men aren’t perfect either. Litch emphasizes how marriage should improve as time goes on, as both partners should get better at it with age.

Litch many not have the formal qualifications that professional counselors have, but what he does have going for him is that he genuinely cares about his wife and his family. He also cares about the importance of marriage and helping other couples succeed. He is refreshingly honest about the fact that marriage is hard work that requires considerable sacrifice from both partners. Litch does a great job outlining what, specifically, men should expect when they get married. He also makes it clear that everything men must do to succeed is worthwhile.

I came away from this book with a new appreciation of my marriage and many great tips on how to keep my marriage successful. I’ve only been married for six years, so I can use all the help I can get. I would recommend this book to all husbands, even those who have been married for a long time, as there is plenty of useful advice. Wives may find this book entertaining, too, as the book is truthful to women without being denigrating. Even single men will gain a new understanding of marriage by reading this book.


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