Book Review: 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad: What Fathers Can Do to Make a Lifelong Difference
He is consistent and passionate about encouraging other fathers about the joy, ups, downs, and mixed emotions that life brings while raising children. He also wants to advise and teach other fathers the joys of fatherhood with the same kind of passion delivered to him.
“52 Things” is Jay’s specialty. After writing “52 Things” for wives, husbands, sons, and daughters, he created this book about what kids need from their fathers. He has taken the time to carefully select 52 fatherly tips in a step-by-step sequence. Reading this book will walk you through the first step, which is the fatherly tip with descriptive explanations. The next step is the takeaway that further defines the message or the description with an example. The last step is a quote of wisdom, which enforces the message and the takeaway.
Jay Payleitner has shown through the pages of 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad that his absolute priority is his children and his family. He is successful in influencing other fathers, mothers, and families across the United States about the importance of being the best father you can be. The book conveys how to love, share, laugh, learn and live not only for now, but also for the future. I enjoyed the book and was able to reflect on my childhood and the relationship built with my father and his fatherly influences. I really appreciated the wide variety of nuggets of knowledge included from all walks of life.