Book Review: 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block
62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block. Marcie Hill. The Write Design Company, June 7, 2013. Trade Paperback, Workbook, and Kindle, 116 pages.
Reviewed by Sue Roupp.
I was pleased to receive the soft-cover edition and accompanying workbook for 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block. Though the title is listed on Amazon as a Kindle book, it is available in paperback from Ms. Hill’s website. Written in 2013, it is still an informative and relevant book. I checked out many of the websites referenced throughout the book and they are still active and useful.
The book covers various types of blogs and where to find the information and sites that allow one to upload free videos, photos, presentations, etc.
Ms. Hill also details many ways of approaching the art of blogging, with chapters including: Most Popular Posts, Multimedia Posts, Honoring Others, Engage Your Audience, You’re the Authority, You’re the Resource, Humor, News and Views, Lists, Additional Posts, and Rounding It Up. Each chapter contains pros, cons, and other considerations for different types of blog posts.
The straightforward book is an easy read that is likely to be most useful to beginning bloggers wanting to explore all the possibilities of blogging from a successful practitioner. Additionally, Ms. Hill’s website,, is updated often with good information for freelance writers.