Book Review: Growing Up To Be . . . Happy!
Growing Up To Be . . . Happy! Toneal Jackson. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, February 4, 2014, Trade Paperback, 60 pages.
Reviewed by Sharon P. Lynn.
When Toneal Jackson’s latest children’s book, Growing Up To Be . . . Happy!, arrived in the mail, the first thing I did was ask my favorite 11-year-old to read it. Her assessment: “I liked it, especially the part about bullying.”
This quick read for middle schoolers is about more than bullying, but that is one of the topics, along with depression and happiness, that Jackson covers. Parents or older siblings could also read it to younger children.
The author begins with, “When I was little, my mom would say, ’I wonder what you’ll be when you grow up someday,’” and the poem ends with, “Just make sure that whatever you choose, it makes you happy!” In loose rhymes, the author introduces a variety of career paths and life choices that youngsters can take, as well as the obstacles they might face.
Always sensitive to diversity, Jackson has worked with illustrator Nataly Verdugo, who shares her sensibility. Verdugo’s cartoon illustrations, whether in black and white or full color, help move the short tale along with images of boys and girls of all races.
Jackson has included some questions to help parents start discussions about the three main topics of the book and has provided websites with information about bullying and depression. There are also a few pages of word games to help reinforce the ideas and vocabulary of the book.
In addition to the producing the story in English, Jackson has provided translations of the verses in Spanish and French, making it a nice read-along book for a variety of households.
The author of several other children’s books, Jackson’s experience with her own children gives her an intimate familiarity with her audience. Her spirit of caring and her genuine desire to help others inspires her writing.