Book Review: The Purpose of Being
The Purpose of Being. Undra L. Ware, Sr. Self-published, December 17, 2017, Trade Paperback, 40 pages.
Reviewed by Gail Galvan.
Drawing inspiration from God and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ware wrote his book of prose and poetry with the hope of “uplifting human spirits.” For me, his insightful, upbeat book achieved this goal.
In sections bearing such titles as “A Growing Seed,” “What is Life?” “What is a Man?” and “Potential Growth,” Ware works to live up to his book’s ambitious title—The Purpose of Being.
In his poem titled “A Graduation for Brother,” he touches on one of his major themes: Embrace “a positive attitude to reach the right altitude.” In that poem he also advises his brother to understand and have “respect for the ignorance and less knowledgeable.” As he speaks to these heartfelt, spiritually-based themes, he emphasizes the notion that a positive, faith-engaging attitude—along with compassion, understanding, and tolerance—can comfort, teach, and unify us all.
While his poetic beats of prose and rhyming could flow a bit smoother at times, the content is full of wisdom and deals with past and contemporary civil rights issues.
His most profound writings address the sentiments, concerns, challenges, and possible solutions for black men in America and the world. In poems such as “Black Butterfly,” “The Black Man,” “The Quest of Black History,” and “King Greeting Card,” he writes with a compassionate tone that promotes equality and understanding. His voice is that of a spiritual healer and unifying force—a peacemaker—and one who would act as a catalyst for those struggling toward a healthier self-worth, optimal potential, and a fairer, loving, brighter world. His writing expresses the confidence that it is all possible.
His positivity is on display throughout the book. In his poem “The Strength,” he writes: “Power will always live throughout the human race, so let’s put it to use and pray for grace.” In another spot, he again stresses that positive momentum: “The force is among us; it is we that must bring it forth.”
The author, like Dr. King, wants our most honorable ideals to thrive. “In the end, we all know that the King Dream will always ring, for the light is forever shining.” All of us who dream truly hope that writers like Ware can make a difference toward creating a fair, equally-treated, and peaceful world.