Book Review: The Christmas Heart

The Christmas Heart. Pam McDonald, Teacup Fox Pointe Publishing, 2023, hardcover, paperback, e-book, 39 pages.

Reviewed by Susan Gaspar.

Christmas is largely viewed as a magical time of year, and stories set at that time of year often possess some of that magic. The Christmas Heart is such a story. Based on real people and situations, this gentle children’s book sets a comforting, festive holiday scene. We meet Madi, an adult who tells her own first-person tale and immediately makes us feel included in her large extended family and their Christmas traditions.

There are gatherings with relatives, homemade cookies, and the much-anticipated choosing of the Christmas trees at the Goldenman Farm. We meet Madi’s Grandpa Mark, who carefully listens to the trees before choosing one. Then, quite suddenly, the story flashes back to when Madi was a little girl.

Young Madi introduces us to her Grandma Patti, who is deeply involved with her upbringing. Grandma Patti is energetic, creative, and loving, and her favorite shape is a red heart, which she uses as her personal signature — even in the swirl of red jam she adds to Madi’s sandwiches. Madi fondly remembers fun times spent with Grandma Patti and recalls that “Life was great, until it began to change.”  

At age 10, Madi notices that Grandma Patti is forgetting things. This forgetfulness grows worse over time until an official diagnosis of Young-onset Alzheimer’s is given. It’s a devastating blow, especially to Madi and Grandpa Mark. By the time Madi is twelve, Grandma Patti forgets who her family is and soon after succumbs to the disease.

The book’s light dims momentarily here, and the soft watercolor artwork by Kim Hanzo takes on a melancholy tone. It would be easy for the tale to turn overly nostalgic or so deeply personal that the reader feels alienated from its central line. Instead, author Pam McDonald jumps to a reference from the book’s beginning — Christmas tree shopping with the family.

We are immediately transported outdoors to the Goldenman Farm with young Madi and her family as they maintain their tradition after the loss of Grandma Patti. Grandpa Mark waits for a tree to speak to him as usual, and when his chosen tree is cut, there is an astounding discovery: the tree stump exposes a large bright red heart — a sure sign that “Grandma Patti will always be with us.”

The books ends with this uplifting message of hope, and as an added bonus, the back page is a cut-out heart-shaped ornament. This interactive element is a charming way to remember the story and to engage children and adults alike.

McDonald has crafted a simple, loving tale that appeals to all ages and introduces heavy themes like aging, disease, death, and mourning to young readers. The Christmas Heart is also connected to a relevant nonprofit; Grandma Patti’s family started a foundation to support those coping with Alzheimer’s disease. Readers can learn more at


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