Book Review: You and Me
Every morning and each day provide great pleasure to see and hear the growth of a child. There is also comfort in realizing the growing relationship between the parent and child. It’s also a good thing to anticipate the future outcome of both of their lives. Consistent learning and experiences will assist in providing exposure to the unlimited possibilities of life, nature, and to nature and to the world. The author illustrates how wonderful it must feel to see the smiles of a child who embraces the love, the life, and the spirit of caring parents, and that the foundation of family can be built in a single-parent home as well as a two-parent home.
I was impressed by my overall experience of reading You and Me. I was able to observe through the eyes of a parent, the development of a lifelong relationship. Consistent affirmations include love, life, activities, and memories.
It’s a good book to read. I recommend it.