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Book Review: The Miracle at Assisi Hill
Windy City Reviews - The Miracle at Assisi Hill by Pat Camalliere.
Book Review: The Vampire’s War (The Realm of the Vampire Council Book 5)
Windy City Reviews - The Vampire’s War by Damian Serbu
Book Review: Unexpected Guests at Blackbird Lodge
Windy City Reviews -Unexpected Guests at Blackbird Lodge by Joyce Hicks
Book Review: Johnny Lycan & and the Vegas Berserker
Windy City Reviews - Johnny Lycan & and the Vegas Berserker by Wayne Turmel
Book Review: Johnny Lycan & the Anubis Disk
Windy City Reviews - Johnny Lycan & the Anubis Disk by Wayne Turmel
Book Review: What We Don’t Talk About
Windy City Reviews - The Avaricious: A Howard Watson Intrigue by JoAnn Fastoff
Book Review: The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World
Windy City Reviews - The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World by Mark Miller.
Book Review: The Avaricious: A Howard Watson Intrigue
Windy City Reviews - The Avaricious: A Howard Watson Intrigue by JoAnn Fastoff
Book Review: In Danger of Judgment
Windy City Reviews - In Danger of Judgment by David Rabin.
Book Review: Tombs of Little Egypt
Windy City Reviews - Tombs of Little Egypt by James Varga.
Book Review: Music Notes: Tales from an American Singer
Windy City Reviews - Music Notes by J.J. Maze.