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Book Review: Fabulous in Flats
As a therapist, I spend many hours listening to the stories of others. I'm passionate about the stories we tell, as it gives me information about how one of my clients make sense of their life and what clinical struggles to work with.
Book Review: Ghosts in the Yew
Do not make the mistake that I did by starting to read Blake Hausladen’s Ghosts in the Yew without enough time to finish the book in one large satisfying bite, or at least in consistent tasty nibbles on a daily basis.
Book Review: The God's Wife
The God’s Wife juxtaposes and intertwines the stories of two young women separated by time and space.
Book Review: ETA - Estimated Time of Arrest
In addition to being an avid reader, I am a lover of books, and when I first held the hardcover edition of ETA: Estimated Time of Arrest in my hands, I felt I was in for a special treat.
Book Review: Remembering Gage Park
A fictional memoir, Remembering Gage Park begins: “I was eight years old when I met Connor. That was the day he nearly put out my eye. You would’ve thought I’d have learned something that day, but not me.”